The Allure of Cane
The "hype" comes in the next paragraph. For many, not all, fly fishing situations an expertly designed and crafted split bamboo rod is an elegant, almost perfect, tool for the job. It's effectiveness as a fishing tool in typical fly fishing situations is why discerning anglers continue to ask for them and people like me continue to make them. It's not just because we like anachronisms! It's because we appreciate and enjoy using effective, elegant, and simple tools.
Now the hype!
The quest for aesthetically pleasing and distinctive equipment that transcends utility enlightens angling sport. Such equipment is crafted one at a time from the shop of an artisan, each with its own identity, personality, quirks, and ultimate appeal. A cherished cane rod becomes "my rod," meticulously cared for, fished with pride, and owned with satisfaction. They are incredibly durable; a well-made, well-cared-for split bamboo rod can be used for generations.